This week, Netflix released its first original series "House of Cards." The 13 episode political drama directed by David Fincher stars big name actors such as Kevin Spacey and Kate Mara. Personally, I think this was an excellent strategic move by Netflix. Primetime television is extremely competitive, and capturing a steady audience is no easy task. In creating content specific to their website, Netflix appeals to the "binge-watchers"-- people like myself who wish to watch several episodes in one sitting. If "House of Cards" proves to be successful for the company, additional and continuous "exclusive" content may increase Netflix membership.
This spring, my Public Relations Case Studies course requires its students to choose a company to follow and analyze over the course of the semester. Ironically, I will be "managing the reputation" of Netflix. I cannot wait to see if my predictions surrounding the "House of Cards" comes true. I must say, I watched the first half of the season and I am hooked. Kevin Spacey's character confessionals paired with the show's social media incorporation is fresh, relevant and smart. I am looking forward to finishing the season this week (before the SuperBowl, perhaps?) and following the success of the show.
For more information or another perspective on the launch of Netflix's "House of Cards," take a look at Brian Stelter's article:
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